Contact Us

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26 Saint Ann Street
Salisbury, England, SP1 2DP
United Kingdom

+44 01545 580854


All British Palomino Society full members will receive a yearly Journal packed with news, interesting articles, and pictures including prizewinners.

If you want to be included please send any articles, photos or news to


If you have pictures of a prize winner that you’d like to be considered for inclusion in the journal please submit them to:

The image doesn’t need to be from an affiliated BPS class but please make sure you have permission from, and credit the photographer.


Stud adverts (full page - 267 x 190 mm) - £15
Stallions at stud (with picture) - £5
Advertising (half page - 133 x 190 mm) - £20
Advertising (full page - 267 x 190 mm) - £35

Deadline: End OF NOVEMBER

BPS 2019 cover.PNG